Friday, July 06, 2007

no fitting title...


EEEWWW, fridays are soooooooooooooooooooooooo irritating!!! Coming to school at a blardy 9am just for a boring ONE hr tutorial on some totally DORTSIE module, and having to that that blardy project which chalks up 30% and no idea what the hell does the remaining 70& comprise of.

And my Thurs-ies, are soooooooooooooooooo stretched! 8am to 6pm, 6pm to... 10pm!!! EEEK YER!!!

out of the... 5? modules...
2 are stewpid
1 is blistering boring
and only 2 are interesting! Forensic science anybardi?

ANNNDDD, NAPFA is coming soon! So gonna do the standing broad jump thingy first cos its my ultimate, forever wont-pass segment. So, do that, failed, and can go liao. YAY! SUCKS LAR! NOT EVERYBARDI CAN JUMP FAR FAR ONE RITE. stewpid segment.

Also dunnoe why am i so vocal for my Yuk Jang. Just "ASCED!" knowing very well that i shouldnt! Out of control for thaaatt part! shucks! Pls dont blardy "ASCED!" during grading!!! Scarie, immediate failure for that?! EEEE!!!

Donated my precious B+ blood at NP!!! Missed a good chunk of the super boring cGPM... heehee! NPians are sooo ONS! the wait to have my blood drained is soo blardy long!!! liews! "with the recent pandemic of dengue fever, healthy beings are encouraged to donate blood as the blood bank needs more for the numerous blood transfusions, save a life today, donate BLOOD!" Singyan reportin.

Tsk tsk tsk, bought a $1.70 cassova? chips today, thinking, WTH, alternative to kentang chips?! must be good... BUY! Opened it up... major disappointment! TAPIOCA chip only lar! The one with chilli prolly 300x better!

Growing some Soyabean and Maize for 6weeks is soooo fricking... not... my cup of mocha~!
Worst part... taking measurements!
1 chlorophyll extraction takes.. a good...30mins. cos, must cut the leaves, grind them, super low tech one, using the motar/pestle, put acetone, walk to level 3 to centrifuge the dissolving-in-acetone tubes. walk back to level 2, carefully pipette 3ml into curvette, measure. x 5 replicates x 5 different concentrations x 2 (2 types marh!) = 50 measurements x 30mins = !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R U KIDDING ME?! And thats only for CHLOROPHYLL. OMG. THERES SOMETHING CALL CHLOROPHYLL CONTENT METER, BIOTECH CANNOT BE SO LOW TECH ONE RITE!!! sighhhh~~~

Wont even get to touch a PCR machine or load 96wells gel... sigh!!!

after all the rantings, pls be reminded that something unfortunate happened on this day, 19years ago... the birth of Mr Go Qing Ming!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! woes befall !!!

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