Wednesday, September 05, 2007

KT + CY's birthday

Celebrated KT and CY's birthday yesterday at a pasta/pizza shop at bugis... ummz, called Sketches. Very very as usually, birthday dinner, followed by surprise bday cake and then movie! Hahaahaha~

no pics leh... marc nv send. tsk. My camera is held hostage at panasonic HQ waiting for me to bail him out... argh. marnie's gone again. so super duper not cheap... blardy panasonic.

watched ratatouille!!! Remy and his brother is like so super duper ultra cute!!! They looked more hamsters with long tail lor, hamster have the cute puffy cheek big roundish eyes look while rat has that sly ratty look... = NOT CUTE.

kinda inspired by that too... soo..... I MADE PASTA TODAY!!!!!

the ingredientsssssss
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baby carrot, ham, veggie
shitake mushrooms, tomato paste, tomatoes
maggi mee, dumplings

firsst, wash the veggiesss
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then, boil the baby carrots followed by green veg, remove the green veg, throw in the dumpling, remove the carrot and the dumpling, throw in the maggi mee, drain off the water...

now for the sauce...

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chop the tomatoes into millipieces firssttt.

while chopping, boil like a small bowlfull of water, add tomato paste and whatever seasoning available. I added salt, pepper, grape seed oil, 5-spice powder, light soya sauce, maggi msg.

throw in the chopped tomatoes!!!

dont forget about the mushrooms and ham! slice the mushrooms and tear the ham and dump them into the sauce. let it simmer? for sometime till the tomatoes becomes a mushy mess. Simmer somemore to boil off excess water... till it becomes something like...

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Finally... pour sauce onto noodles...

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Ta dang!

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well... the green vege, dumpling and carrots are eaten seperately.

Coming to the very important question... is it worth the 45mins of cooking time, almost $10 of grocery marnie, all the cutting and slogging and washing???


hahaha, really not bad lor!!! got colour, smell and taste.

completed the 300pc puzzle!
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