Saturday, November 27, 2004

Saturday Shopping Spree!!!

woohoo!!! went to Tanglin Mall to get my birkenstock sandals today!!! cost a whopping $139 ... and is not very nice also... but nvm lar..since is my mum paying ...=P and the salesgirl damn nice lo...initially wanted try out the size and order via internet (cheaper) but the salesgirl sort of psyco my mum into believing that it is cheaper to get it locally... so ... abit LUGI-ed time I am definitely gonna order via the NET!!! also bought a packet of Jack n Jill salsa chilli potato chips and durian puff..with MY $....
finally i am able to upload pics...presenting ...BIRKIES!!!

ummz...after tat...we went to the People's Park Complex/centre/wadever to check out some travelling agency cos my dad wanna go to Taiwan(-___-) ...den after visiting from one agency to another and none have vacancies... my mum suggested to go HOKAIDO...i was like..."WOOHOO!!! DUN NEED TO GO TAT CHEENA PLACE LE!!! and CAN GO SEE SNOW..YAY!!!" so my dad was like okay lor...and say he will call up the genting agency(the company..not the place) asap to check out for vacancies... but den again...he always like TALK ONLY , NO ACTION and nothing done in the end one!!! *better remind him ...DAILY!* sadded... cos i am going for the PAE thingy...meaning school also start at january for me and i dont have much time left to go enjoy le...1 more mth and a few days left...sianed 1/2...!!!

..the most *&^%$#@ happening is tat i actually deleted my entire mp3 folder containing bout a few Gigabytes of songs...PERMANENTLY!!! arGG!!!


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