Monday, March 28, 2005


Ermz, 3rd day of Orientation... got to know our CT group le. Was soooooo sianed when I saw the subject combi beside my name... MT,EC,Geo ... gawdness, I am stucked in the combi which I really dislike!!! Econs, is still pretty okay, Geog is quite interesting, but MT, gawdness is just waaaaay too sucky!!! Couldn't believe that my appeal is not approved. I thought that transfering to science with my score would be quite an easy wasnt approved!!! I tried to re-appeal again but the darn VP just brushes me off saying that the science stream is full... blardy!!!

Ermz, my civic class, 05A03 is blardy cool, there are at least 3 types of combis... my combi, Lit-Geog-Econs, smt-smt-Arts, smt-smt-History... how cool... So that just means that my time-table will be FULL of breaks. Haha, how boring. And this time, the lit ppl are the majority... So the class is kinda ang-mohish...hah! But I simply, simply dislike the fact that Ms KAT IS MY Civic tutor!!! OMG!!! Why isnt my CT Mr Osman?!?! Why her of all people?!?!! Y not Ms leong? Y not Mr Tay? Y not Chen Xiao Hong? argHz!!! When I told Mr Tay about her being our CT, he clasped his mouth and said, "Yah, she is quite fierce at times. Hahaha" ...How reassuring!!! Think he is afraid of her as well ...-_-!!! Other than that, I think that my class is still okay lar... Cute class .. and obviously, majority are girls.


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