Thursday, March 10, 2005

MahJung!!! ...Seriously on the verge of being AUNTIFIED!

Chionged to TingNi'z houze with Ying Xian and Ning Xing for our mahjung session...hahaha, so AUNTIE!!! After like dont know how many roundz later I got sianed because i kept losing and losing!!! gRrrR!!! Geog tutorial was pathethic, only 6 person turned up and Ms Leong gave up and the tutorial turned into a chit-chat session...hahaZ!!!

aarghz!!! Later today and kenna sucky, only 3 timez late what...summore is 3-mth JC course only, so serious for what. Worst still, they dont have a proper detention place unlike AES, all the detaineez had to sit and crowd around one pathetic pillar, in FULL VIEW of otherz... but it wasn't that bad lar, finally manage to finish reading my Econz notez de DEMAND section... and anyway, GP was other talking session again. Menon did nothing basically. First time so attentive in Econz lecture, hehez, econz is pretty interesting. BlarGhX! HAhz!!! Geog tutorial was cancelled without prior notice too, pizzed me off!!! Waited for an hr for that tutorial and den the teacher did not even come. Spent another half and hour waiting outside the stewpid!

Read a very DORTSIE S.H.E fanfic too... its bout S.H.E and Jay. The story goes like this...
-Selina, Hebe and Ella are all les and they all fell in love with each other. Both Selina and Hebe love Ella while Ella lovez Selina.
-Jay was Selina's EX-Bf and they reconcile(correct word?) after meeting each other @ a beach chalet.
-Both Selina and Hebe declared their love for Ella too.
-So Ella is stucked between Sel and Hebe.
-In the end, Sel left for Jay and that leavez Ella and Hebe together.
-So there are 2 couplez, Sel and Jay, Ella and Hebe. On the surface, Sel and Jay are a very happy couple but deep down, Sel still harbours feelings for Ella. That goes for Ella too. Pretended to be very happy with Hebe while longing for Sel.
- Both couples make it out(ermz...had sex...)... including the lesbian pair... How? No idea.
-One day, Hebe almost drown and Ella saved her giving her mouth to mouth resuscitation. Ella finally decided to be together with Hebe but occassionally, still have second thoughts about Sel.
-Sel is still having dreams about being together with Ella and sorta imagined Jay as Ella... *DORTZ!!!*
So is one tough love triangle!!!
The author did not finish the FanFic...THANK GOODNEZZ!!!
Basically, this FanFic is quite ...dortsie... lor ... kinda...ermz... lots of french kissing sense among the lead actresses. Cant imagine the author even wrote bout them having sex with each other... gosh! <-- check it out yourself...

PS: ppl can start saving up for my birthday prezzieS. Basically, just get me all S.H.E albumz(excluding Encore n Concert DVD) + Sun Yan Zi (except The Moment) + Shin Yue Tuan's . Thank You!


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