Thursday, June 22, 2006


Had a super stressful Archery meeting today. Coach was telling us how some juniors who have 200% commitment in Archery is not able to fully utilise the training sessions due to the lack of equipment. So, while juniors with loads of commitment do not have their own bows, seniors, *coff, me*... are holding on to a bow, and most prolly less deserving.

sooo, being extremely guilty that I am hindering the coach, club, whoever, i volunteered to give up my bow lar. Seriously, my heart was pounding when i said that. Coff coff, it was a hard decision to make lar, but nevertheless, i made that choice.

Can feel my eyes getting more and more flooded, overflow... as i unpacked the stuff for Coach, then, shyte, YT kept saying stuff which made me feel worst! BLEH U!!! HEHE, then, was about to follow coach and return the bow, he was asking me whether i wanna shoot for the lasttime today, and whether i want to continue until the trials and see, etc etc. YAH, coach was sooooooooooo FATHERLY. lol, he may be stern at times, but i think hes really nice lar.

So, in the end, decided to stay until the trial shoot, if the juniors can shoot better than me, theres absolutely no more reasons for me to stay on, and, it will no longer be MY BOW.

I sooooo do not wish to disappoint myself + coach, but, somehow, my scores, is always getting from bad to worst, RETARDATION. I know what i am supposed to do, but just couldnt execute it.

EMO entry. blephx.


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