Friday, September 21, 2007


SOOOOOOOOO FUN!!! Hah, despite going out late, taking a wrong bus and missing the right bus, i still managed to reach 5mins before time! WARH. so sibei heng. cos if late will lugi, 1hr of driving lesson cost 24barks hor!

andd... why my instructor so... not young one... even the car is not that young... eee. doesnt feel good sitting in a lao-kok-kok old car, and he doesnt want to switch on the blardy air-con!!! Almost melted inside.

So for the first 30mins, i...
- got brain-washed about the advantages of taking manual.
- learn to hold the steering wheel. (anyone who plays daytona should know this lor)
- adjust the driver's seat, rear mirror, side mirror, etc etc. (NB: PO LI = window, jia shi pang = steering wheel, lift up the right handle =signal left, down=right)
- know the various parts of car...
- vroom-vroomed the engine!!! with handbrake down. hah.
- golden rule: the clutch is a very... (*&^%$#^&$&$ thingy, it needs to be depress blardily far, anddd... it always cause si chia! cant rem very well now... think release clutch too fast is a sure way to get si chia.
- drive forward and reverse 300x. @ gear 1...
- make a u-turn, AND WENT OUT TO THE MAIN ROAD(this part is nerve-wrecking... for me)

so for the next 30mins, i...
-cruised around BBDC area, at a leisure *coff* speed of not exceeding the 3rd gear... think about...30km/h. lol.
- very troublesome to change gear, need to release gas pedal, step on clutch COMPLETELY, change gear, slowwwwwly relase clutch, and slooowwwwwly step on gas. almost freaked out.

just very fun ... exciting, and feels pro-ish.

ANYWAYYYYYYYYYY. instructor going overseas for like 2blardy weeks, so... no driving... BOOHOOHOO!

afterr that, got another disastrous haircut by my first official hairstylist. we browsed thru the magazine, den choose something that SHOULD have make me look like a sweet demure thing... but in the end... ... ... ... ... ... ... BOOHOOHOO again.

bcos of thatttttt, and seriously considering JX's and some !#QM@&^%@# comments... i shall, not cut(but trim lar) my hair for the next 5mths or so... till i can become my old self of Jeju ajussi-s killers (female version of shi nai shao shou)
heres the evidence ...
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see!!! they treat me to lunch, helped me down the mountain, then treat dinner, and send me back in a taxi leh!!!

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