Sunday, November 28, 2004

Crazy Curry Craze...! my mum whipped out a HUGE pot of curry chicken for lunch(most prolly also for dinner and the next day's lunch & dinner...)... quite nice larh... just spicy enuff but can be a little thicker though... dun know y she suddenly a curry craze also...went all the way to boon lay yesterday to buy the curry ingredients ...*dortz!* and 4 packets of dun know wad duck noodles... Anyway... after lunch, watched the repeated Happy Sunday damn funny... the taiwanese kids all very funnie leh..their actions and words...laughed like siao for the entire show...

then i went to sorta clean-up the notebook...and found a very stewpid harry potter ending tat i wrote waaaaay back in july...kekeke.... comment bout it ya...

After everyone (good wizards and death eaters) had all fallen, voldemort went to look for his ran away death eater and Harry potter. Hiding at grimmauld place, the old fidelus charm has lost its magical properties after the death of Dumbledore , Harry and snape is no longer safer in there. As predicted, voldemort found them and tried to persuade Snape to join him revealing that he is his father; however, even after knowing this life saving truth, snape did not falter his loyalty towards Dumbledore and continued to protect Harry with his life. When voldemort raised his wand to perform the deadly curse on Harry, snape pounced on him and shouted “NO! You shall not hurt your grandson! RUN HARRY…RUN!!!!” voldemort enraged, does the cruciotus curse on Snape who is still yelling for Harry to run while writhing in pain… Harry, as usual, the irritating wanna know it all stood rooted to the ground and puzzled (about the grandson thingy) voldemort, tired of snape’s yelling decides that he is better of dead and perform the deadly curse on him. Blinding green light shone throughout the room and before Harry could decide what to do, snape was dead. Harry who had just seen his real father dying in front of him, picked up snape’s wand, thoughts running through his mind, “HE KILLED Dad and mom, he killed the marauders, he killed snape, he killed Dumbledore, he killed EVERYONE!!!! AVADA KEDEVRA!!!!” he shouted pointing the wand at voldemort with the utmost hatred. Voldemort screamed at this unexpected outcome…something miraculous happened…voldemort body vanished into thin air leaving behind a pile of white powder, a severed hand and a pool of blood, Harry’s blood. Yet, Harry body seems to be getting lighter and lighter… something hit him, Dumbledore once said that Harry and voldemort are connected by the dreaded scar…and if one dies, the other would perish together. Mustering his last remaining strength. He crawled towards snape and gave him a hug, one that a son will do to his father, before drifting off together with the winds.

BBC july 2004 a team of excavators had just discovered a well preserved body with what it seemed Like, a wand. The body does not appears to be hurt except for a sheer look of terror… found alongside with the body is a pair of old-fashioned glasses and a book call 1001 magical herbs and fungi – property of HOGwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. ANNAbel Figgs reporting from London

keke...abit stewpid rite...=P you can see...I am Snape FaN!!! woohoo!! Alan Rickman..YaY!!!!

As predicted...i think my dad forgot bout the hokaido trip thingy liaoz... cos he also din call up the travel agency to check it out ...!!! sianed 1/2!!!


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