Monday, November 29, 2004

Taxi Today...=P

had to reach school @ 10am this morning just to get the stewpid report slip changed...sianed...den the marlina also abit KP... keep trying to get us (kT, Yk,me) to be her witness ...crappy... anyway... reached home around 12noon and den settled down to eat the leftover curry ...-_- ...! still quite nice actually... wanted the take a nap le den chin yan smsed me... bout the movie thingy barhz... and said tat the job interview was over ... dammit ...she originally said LATE AFTERNOON de...den agar agar change it...=X

bout like 5.15 like tat...we(ccy,lcy,turtur,jy and me) went to watch Taxi @ GV Plaza Sing...hahaa...then the commotion b4 tat was damn funnie already! A group of teenagers actually WENT TO THE WRONG HALL!!! They were supposed to watch Shutter but went into the hall for Taxi dortsie!!! Anyway...the movie was so darn funnie...!!! love Jessie for being so suave..!!! love Belle for being so cuteeEEE!!! love the cop..wadever the name ..for being so dumb and steWpiD!!! muahaha !!! after the movie...went to Heeren to get turtur the dunnoe wad Bits n Pieces necklace...cant went to Taka to buy the takopachi thingy b4 going home...yawNzZZ!!!
A hao bu qi yan letter delights me the most is from the MOE thingy about some sorta bursary...WooHhOO!! the first time in my life where i am awarded for my academic stuff...nearly cried sia...kekeke!!!

somehow got a bad feeling about the Hokaido trip le... just now the news showed bout the earthquake thingy there...dun tink my parents wanna go le...SIANED!!!!


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