Monday, November 29, 2004

Taxi Today...=P

had to reach school @ 10am this morning just to get the stewpid report slip changed...sianed...den the marlina also abit KP... keep trying to get us (kT, Yk,me) to be her witness ...crappy... anyway... reached home around 12noon and den settled down to eat the leftover curry ...-_- ...! still quite nice actually... wanted the take a nap le den chin yan smsed me... bout the movie thingy barhz... and said tat the job interview was over ... dammit ...she originally said LATE AFTERNOON de...den agar agar change it...=X

bout like 5.15 like tat...we(ccy,lcy,turtur,jy and me) went to watch Taxi @ GV Plaza Sing...hahaa...then the commotion b4 tat was damn funnie already! A group of teenagers actually WENT TO THE WRONG HALL!!! They were supposed to watch Shutter but went into the hall for Taxi dortsie!!! Anyway...the movie was so darn funnie...!!! love Jessie for being so suave..!!! love Belle for being so cuteeEEE!!! love the cop..wadever the name ..for being so dumb and steWpiD!!! muahaha !!! after the movie...went to Heeren to get turtur the dunnoe wad Bits n Pieces necklace...cant went to Taka to buy the takopachi thingy b4 going home...yawNzZZ!!!
A hao bu qi yan letter delights me the most is from the MOE thingy about some sorta bursary...WooHhOO!! the first time in my life where i am awarded for my academic stuff...nearly cried sia...kekeke!!!

somehow got a bad feeling about the Hokaido trip le... just now the news showed bout the earthquake thingy there...dun tink my parents wanna go le...SIANED!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Crazy Curry Craze...! my mum whipped out a HUGE pot of curry chicken for lunch(most prolly also for dinner and the next day's lunch & dinner...)... quite nice larh... just spicy enuff but can be a little thicker though... dun know y she suddenly a curry craze also...went all the way to boon lay yesterday to buy the curry ingredients ...*dortz!* and 4 packets of dun know wad duck noodles... Anyway... after lunch, watched the repeated Happy Sunday damn funny... the taiwanese kids all very funnie leh..their actions and words...laughed like siao for the entire show...

then i went to sorta clean-up the notebook...and found a very stewpid harry potter ending tat i wrote waaaaay back in july...kekeke.... comment bout it ya...

After everyone (good wizards and death eaters) had all fallen, voldemort went to look for his ran away death eater and Harry potter. Hiding at grimmauld place, the old fidelus charm has lost its magical properties after the death of Dumbledore , Harry and snape is no longer safer in there. As predicted, voldemort found them and tried to persuade Snape to join him revealing that he is his father; however, even after knowing this life saving truth, snape did not falter his loyalty towards Dumbledore and continued to protect Harry with his life. When voldemort raised his wand to perform the deadly curse on Harry, snape pounced on him and shouted “NO! You shall not hurt your grandson! RUN HARRY…RUN!!!!” voldemort enraged, does the cruciotus curse on Snape who is still yelling for Harry to run while writhing in pain… Harry, as usual, the irritating wanna know it all stood rooted to the ground and puzzled (about the grandson thingy) voldemort, tired of snape’s yelling decides that he is better of dead and perform the deadly curse on him. Blinding green light shone throughout the room and before Harry could decide what to do, snape was dead. Harry who had just seen his real father dying in front of him, picked up snape’s wand, thoughts running through his mind, “HE KILLED Dad and mom, he killed the marauders, he killed snape, he killed Dumbledore, he killed EVERYONE!!!! AVADA KEDEVRA!!!!” he shouted pointing the wand at voldemort with the utmost hatred. Voldemort screamed at this unexpected outcome…something miraculous happened…voldemort body vanished into thin air leaving behind a pile of white powder, a severed hand and a pool of blood, Harry’s blood. Yet, Harry body seems to be getting lighter and lighter… something hit him, Dumbledore once said that Harry and voldemort are connected by the dreaded scar…and if one dies, the other would perish together. Mustering his last remaining strength. He crawled towards snape and gave him a hug, one that a son will do to his father, before drifting off together with the winds.

BBC july 2004 a team of excavators had just discovered a well preserved body with what it seemed Like, a wand. The body does not appears to be hurt except for a sheer look of terror… found alongside with the body is a pair of old-fashioned glasses and a book call 1001 magical herbs and fungi – property of HOGwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. ANNAbel Figgs reporting from London

keke...abit stewpid rite...=P you can see...I am Snape FaN!!! woohoo!! Alan Rickman..YaY!!!!

As predicted...i think my dad forgot bout the hokaido trip thingy liaoz... cos he also din call up the travel agency to check it out ...!!! sianed 1/2!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Saturday Shopping Spree!!!

woohoo!!! went to Tanglin Mall to get my birkenstock sandals today!!! cost a whopping $139 ... and is not very nice also... but nvm lar..since is my mum paying ...=P and the salesgirl damn nice lo...initially wanted try out the size and order via internet (cheaper) but the salesgirl sort of psyco my mum into believing that it is cheaper to get it locally... so ... abit LUGI-ed time I am definitely gonna order via the NET!!! also bought a packet of Jack n Jill salsa chilli potato chips and durian puff..with MY $....
finally i am able to upload pics...presenting ...BIRKIES!!!

ummz...after tat...we went to the People's Park Complex/centre/wadever to check out some travelling agency cos my dad wanna go to Taiwan(-___-) ...den after visiting from one agency to another and none have vacancies... my mum suggested to go HOKAIDO...i was like..."WOOHOO!!! DUN NEED TO GO TAT CHEENA PLACE LE!!! and CAN GO SEE SNOW..YAY!!!" so my dad was like okay lor...and say he will call up the genting agency(the company..not the place) asap to check out for vacancies... but den again...he always like TALK ONLY , NO ACTION and nothing done in the end one!!! *better remind him ...DAILY!* sadded... cos i am going for the PAE thingy...meaning school also start at january for me and i dont have much time left to go enjoy le...1 more mth and a few days left...sianed 1/2...!!!

..the most *&^%$#@ happening is tat i actually deleted my entire mp3 folder containing bout a few Gigabytes of songs...PERMANENTLY!!! arGG!!!

Friday, November 26, 2004

Fri - Clean up your room day... so damn xiong... had to battle with the mess in my room for nearly like 3hrs... firstly...need to throw away all the used papers for recycling...and tat part alone is damn jialat..bcos i had to dig into the rubbish BOX and look for recyclable papers...and also brave through the psycological barrier of touching any possible roaches..silverfish or wadever bugs... ewww!! but heng...din find any... finally i filled up about 2 boxes (to the point of exploding) and 1 plastic bags full of papers and the wadever magazines.... hope that it the recycle company ppl will come to collect those stuff soon... cabinet...which holds books and files ranging from pri 5 all the way to sec 4 pure biology and crap... warh biangz...but luckily sis did the tidying part for i din do much for my cabinet... collected tons(okay...exagerated figure...) of books to be donated...
went to have dinner after watch HAPPY FISH 2 ...keke so funnie also ... father wanna bring us to the Dim Sum thingy...swee choon @ jalan besar have dim sum obviously...but den! my *(*&^% sis and bro very &^%$# ...wanted to takeaway... so went to bukit batok to have my favourite ZHA YU MEE FEN instead... had 1.5 chicken wings and went home to watch my damn funnie again... wah...finally have bedsheets on my bed!!! yaY!!!

listening to yes 933 now and the stewpid deejay(kevin soh..*wadever idea*) so crappy... together with the call-in gurl...= to crappy X2 ... and i had been listening to the CRAPPY CRAPPY conversation for so long...and the call-in gurl used my punch word..."DORTZ" !!! liew!!! - i am feeling crappy also -

note...entry meant for ... 26/11/04...!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Problematic PAE People...=P !!! went for the PAE thingy conducted by mrs ooi-lcy den all was fine until i saw the pouch...--> CCA - A2....! so we kinda kick up a big fuss and (to summarise everything...) we got like bout 4 to 5 teachers involved to change our CCA grade to A1 ..hehehe...Mr Kumar even said by hook or by crook he will get me a A1 so i just anyhow say a reason and he also shui bian gave me 1 point ...waAHaHAH! shiok... i finally got an A1 for CCA.....YIPEE!!!

wah...but the choosing of the freaking JCs is freaking problematic also ...cos i am those GUM GUM HO 20pointers...and there arent many choices anyway...-_-!! finally chose JJC, CJC, PJC and MI ...haiz... hope i wont get into CJC cos is damn FAR!

oh yah...almost dad brought us to eat some famous HAE(prawn) MEE at thomson road also... not very nice like...the bowl of mee only got noodles and prawns sian and so high in calestrol(sp?)!!! eww! then my mum ate the chicken rice and the chicken looked as if it is suffering from damn yellowish... she also ordered 1 cold crab thingy..which gave me very bad breath...i had to chew the parsley from chicken rice to get rid of some of the smell...ewww... hah...when we finishing, the school clerk-ms yien yien...called us to go back to school to settle the CCA thingy ...wau liew!

*NOTE*this entry is meant for 24/11/04....

Sunday, November 21, 2004

My very first.....

hehz...just started my new blog after so long... setting up this thing is so darn difficult and the username thingy almost made me give up...keke..den keep bugging MARc until he like very bu shuang already...keke..pai seh laH! is damn boring lor...although my o lvl is like gonna over soon... i still had to go for tuition ...-_-! so as to fully utilise the $295 i paid for this month fees... as usual ^SHE^ kept praising me infront of others ..*used to it le* and indirectly praised herself... while she told others that i was mugging over the MCQ book...i was actually playing bowling on my phone ..=P ...kekeke.. thanx goodness tat i downloaded alot of games recently arh...
Side note -> cornetto(sp?) royale is damn nice...tried the triple chocolate and cookies n cream...warh biangz...very nice lor... not too expensive also... get them at any 7-11 stores today at $2.20 2 get 1 free...while stock lasts....